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  • Writer's pictureDanielle Chan

Birthday Celebrations

It was the morning of my 11th birthday. Being the effervescent and overly-excited girl I am, I woke up naturally at five in the morning. The air was sultry and balmy and the sun emitted an ethereal glow, as if reflecting the joy I felt, celebrating my birthday along with me & my family. The sun bathed my room in pale gold, as I began to get dressed for the birthday celebrations waiting ahead, and dwelled on the thoughts of opening birthday gifts.

Having an urge to quench my thirst, I tiptoed downstairs as to not wake my siblings or parents. As I walked into the dining room, my eyes were met my surprise. All around the room were decorations: a banner; cards; a series of photos of me growing up; and... unwrapped gifts. Curiously, I took a slight peek at the gifts I would later go on to receive, and was absolutely thrilled! My sisters had each gotten me a stuffed toy: a dog and a capybara - my two favourite animals. My parents had gotten me a light pink jumper and a badminton racket. I was immensely touched by how well they knew me and was more grateful than ever to have such loving parents & sisters. Suddenly, I heard a toilet flushing upstairs. I panicked; my parents or sisters must have woken up! I ran upstairs as quietly but quickly as possible, a mouse hiding & running away from a cat. I couldn't let my parents know that I had seen the presents - they would be so disappointed! I climbed back into bed, took off my glasses & feigned sleep.

Half an hour later, I 'woke up' again, got out of bed & went downstairs to the dining room. As I entered for the second time that morning, my parents & sisters wished me a 'Happy birthday' and gave me their presents, but of course I had already seen them. I feigned surprise every time I was presented with a present. Unsurprisingly, my parents weren't fooled by my inadequate acting & found out quickly. I was glad that they weren't disappointed but also glad that they found out, as I thought it rather difficult & tiring hiding secrets from my parents.

We then went to the nearby shopping mall & my parents let me pick out a nice summery dress with small blue flowers patterned on it, and the rest of my birthday passed in joyous spirits without any strenuous tension.

Looking back at this now, I find myself in hysterics as I think about how careful I was in order not to get caught; the way I creeped up the stairs as quickly as possible; how, despite all my efforts, my parents found out almost effortlessly, knowing me so well.



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