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  • Writer's pictureDanielle Chan

First week in College

Dear Diary,

I have thoroughly enjoyed my last week in College. Despite getting lost countless times, learning has been fun for me so far.

College has successfully kept me busy during the past three weeks, we have gone to an adventure park. We had to climb through a wormhole without a torch and no light, you would occasionally feel the shoes that the person in front of you is wearing. There was also a zipwire, which came down from the top of a tree to the bare forest floor.

I also remember doing House Music. Competition was pretty fierce. It was a competition between the 9 houses, Glenlee (the best house), St Helens, St Helens, St Margaret’s, Farnley Lodge, Sidney Lodge, Bellairs Glengar and St. Clare. We sang wholeheartedly in front of hundreds of people, Grenade by Bruno Mars. The song was accompanied by the cello, piano and the drums. As we waited with baited breath for the final result, we sat still as a statue, until ‘First, Glenlee!’ All the students and staff in Glenlee broke into applause. We cheered, yelled and screamed; we were so loud I even thought I’d go deaf!

During those weeks, Ms Jardine-Young also came to have a look at the newly refurbished dorms during our FOG. Everyone was very nervous; one of my dormmates suggested to floss her teeth; some stuffed their uniform and mufti (which was originally placed in a messy pile on their bed) into their drawers. They were all very overprepared. She was impressed with how ‘neat and tidy’ we were, little did she know that the mess was under our drawers!

Bye for now,

Danielle :)

Terms you might not understand:

College – Cheltenham Ladies College

House Music – where all the houses compete against each other in singing

Glenlee – my house

Ms Jardine-Young – our principal/Headmistress

FOG – Feet off ground (at night around 9pm, where your feet is not allowed to touch ground and you are expected to be calming down or sleeping.)

Mufti – Our own clothes (not uniform)


Little more about Danielle & Anson

Hello! We are Danielle and Anson. We love reading and writing short stories. We hope you will like our stories and we'd love to have your feedback for us to further improve our writing. :)

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