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Crunch! The tremendous noise of steel and brick being trampled made a terrible screeching
noise that cracked the air like a whip. Houses were burned down, buildings were collapsing,
everyone was screaming and yelling! Long story short, chaos took charge.
The hideous horned face of the scaly, monstrous dragon glanced down at all the carnage
happening some ten feet below it with a devilish smirk slapped onto its face, as if it were
stuck there; permanently fixed in place. M16 semi-auto guns were flying like flies through
the sky. It was likely, I thought, the worst view of everything happening was up through the
window on the 14th floor. I was on that very floor looking out of that very window. Smashing
my head into the body of my m40a3, I squinted closely at the centre of the of the scope…
where the dragon’s eye was – the eyes of the dragon are its weakest point.
Bang! A spurt of intoxicating, acid green blood filled the sky, momentarily blocking the sun.
The dragon did not falter or fall.
Our calculations were wrong - I had just made things way harder for my soldiers. Stumbling
blindly, it trashed its tail around and seemed more aggravated by the bullet than in pain. Its
rate of fire was at least ten times more than it was before. Puffing boiling torrents of steam
out of its vast nostrils, it took flight, flapping its wings so violently than anybody that was
caught in the wind of the clawed wings would be thrown up sky-high. As it opened its mouth
and roared thunderously, it suddenly came to me. If I wasn’t able to wound it externally, I
would have to wound it internally.
I had a perfect shot.
Another Bang!
The hiss of the dragon retching at its throat were drowned by cheers of the crowd as the
gargantuan lizard fell to the ground with one final, deafening thwack of its tail.
- The End -