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  • Writer's pictureAnson Chan

The First Wave

Ding! 'Are you ready Will?' 'Yeah of course I am Ethan!' I replied, excitement coursing through my body. Hitching my surf board higher up my shoulder, I beckoned Ethan to come out of his house. After shouting a hasty goodbye to his mum, he stepped towards me, surfboard also over his shoulder. Hurrying over to my dad's car, we clambered into the back seats. Within minutes, we were climbing out of his car onto the pale golden sand.

It was an extremely calm day in Hawaii. The sun was beating down on our already sunburnt necks. Warm sand trickling between my toes, I ran over to the water, expecting to feel a pleasantly cold ripple washing over my feet. Except there was no water. Glancing up, I saw the tide rushing backwards with enormous speed, exposing acres of seafloor.

And then the sea came back. A wall, a colossal, crystal blue wall was speeding towards us, 100 feet tall. And with it came a thunderous roar, the shrieking call of the underworld. It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. Yet I was sure it was a blanket of death, a duvet that was going to be pulled over my head, suffocating me. I opened my mouth to scream in horror, but no sound came out. Closer and closer it came, now so close that it towered ominously above us, even obscuring the sun. Turning round, desperately trying to escape the jaws of death that would surely engulf me, I saw Ethan standing there, mouth slightly ajar, rooted to the spot. Sprinting as fast as I could towards him, I lifted him with both hands onto my shoulders and yelled for my father's car, running flat out towards the car park. Pain, excruciating pain made me crash into the ground. Torrent after torrent of water smashed down into my shoulders, like a pristine sledgehammer. The once peaceful water suddenly turned into iron bands that crushed my chest, trying to empty my lungs. I felt my bones shatter into millions of pieces. My vision was getting hazy. I was going insane, I would surely succumb to the gripping fingers of hell, strangling me. Then, darkness.

Opening my eyes, a blurry light was being shined on my face, dazzling me. Then a head poked it's way into my field of vision. 'Dad!' I muttered weakly. 'Son! You're awake! Oh I was so worried about you.' Sitting upon my bed, I noticed a heap of bandages over my body. 'Dad,' gesturing to the pile of plasters on my shoulders, 'Why are there bandages?'

'Well, you were seriously hurt. You've been in a coma for about a week. You broke a lot of bones as well. But I hope you'll be back to normal after a few months.' Grinning, I lay back down on my bed to enjoy a comfortable nap.



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