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  • Writer's pictureAnson Chan

The Great Migration: The Death Crossing

The Great Migration is one of nature’s most amazing events that still happen in our world today; Animals risk their own lives for their herd and young to thrive.

Hundreds of wildebeests and zebras gathered in a clearing surrounded by nothing but sand. The slight ripple of the Mara River announced the arrival of the crocodiles. Dry grass, rotting trees, sun-scorched mud: it was time for the Death Crossing.

This was the calm before the storm.

You could almost smell the crocodiles’ hunger after waiting all year for this moment. You could almost taste the fear in the air as the creatures gazed into the Mara River, the cavern of death looming ahead.

Stamping their hooves nervously, they snorted and quivered. The sun surged down upon them, like a waterfall but made out of fire. The crocodiles’ eyes and the tip of their snout bobbed just above the surface of the water, making them practically invisible to prey. The leader tapped it’s hoof three times on the sandy ground. It was now or never…….

RUMBLE! Out of the blue, every single creature of the group started sprinting full towards the welcoming arms of death. Immediately, a dust cloud leaped up into the air, making it hard for the crocodiles to see them. Instantly, the crocodiles tensed. Anytime now…….

SPLASH! They had entered the river. A shower of water, a stampede of animals, blood in the air, a crocodile leapt up and slammed its merciless jaws shut. The leader, fell into the water with a sickening crash. And then, the river turned into a bloody graveyard. Dark, maroon blood was everywhere. Every second you opened your eyes, there were more and more dead bodies, more and more crocodiles rolling around in the water.

Then just as suddenly as it had started, the crossing ended. Only half of the group had came out alive. The feast of the year was over. The crocodiles would have to wait another year until this would happen all over again.



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Hello! We are Danielle and Anson. We love reading and writing short stories. We hope you will like our stories and we'd love to have your feedback for us to further improve our writing. :)

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