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  • Writer's pictureAnson Chan


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The weather is random,

It's so sunny.


Now that's gone too:

Today, it is one of those days.

On the minute,

Every minute;

The sky changes its mind.

At a glance, the water calms.

At another, an impending torture wall

The sealine retreating,

Soldiers that are beaten up,

Escaping into the enemy's trap.

Why O why do you come to us this morn' ,

Where peace should reign,

As church bells ring.

Crashing, screaming, smashing, roaring.

This is how I would describe a


- By Anson

October, 2022


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Hello! We are Danielle and Anson. We love reading and writing short stories. We hope you will like our stories and we'd love to have your feedback for us to further improve our writing. :)

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